This years official event guide & mural map sponsor
50% OFF
your advertising space in NearMyBNB’s 2024 Brevard issue
(this is not your sponsorship for the event but in addition to)
BNB Owners (In Brevard)
Fill out form below
and receive 2 magazines distributed to your BNB for FREE
To receive your 50% off for advertising, please fill out the form below At that time we will send you a response with the advertiser access page and code. This page will have pricing and additional information that will help with the advertising process. If you have any questions, please feel free to cotact us at and make the subject "Advertise" 2K+ being published and distributed amongst Space Coast BNBs and mural fest NearMyBNB will also be sponsoring the BNBs for artists during their stay here on the Space Coast